Thoughts from Terry Crews in the book Tribe of Mentors

“I’d rather die doing something I feel is great and amazing rather than be safe and comfortable living a life I hate.” 

“The more you run from your fears, the bigger they get, but the more you go into them, the more they tend to vanish life a mirage.”

“There is a big difference between intelligence and wisdom. Many are fooled into thinking they are the same thing, but they are not. I have seen intelligent serial killers, but I’ve never seen a wise one. Intelligent human beings have been given this trumped-up position in society where, just because they’re intelligent, they are to be listened to, and I have found this is extremely dangerous. I was in a Christian cult along with other very intelligent people but, looking back, if I had heeded wisdom, I would have seen we were all on the wrong path. Intelligence is like following a GPS route right into a body of water until you drown. Wisdom looks at the route but, when it takes a turn into the ocean, decides not to follow it, then finds a new, better way. Wisdom reigns supreme.”

“Every mistake I have ever made in business, marriage, and personal conduct was because I thought if I didn’t do or get this now, it was never going to happen. It’s like most clubs in LA. The trick is to keep the line long at the door, while the club itself is half empty. The ‘aura of exclusivity’ is really code for ‘bad atmosphere.’”

“To do what you desire to do, you have all you need.”

“As a football player, I was told to work hard to compete against the other team, some perceived future threat (new draftees, age, or inquiry), and even my current teammates. As an actor, you are told to look a certain way or do things you don’t agree with in order to ‘compete.’ This competitive mindset destroys people. It’s the scorched-earth way of thinking, and everyone is burned.”

“Creativity operates differently. You work hard because you’re inspired to, not because you have to. Work becomes fun, and you have energy for days because this life is not a ‘young man’s game.’ It is an ‘inspired person’s game.’ The keys belong to whoever is inspired, and no specific age, sex, gender, or cultural background has a monopoly on inspiration. When you’re creative, you render competition obsolete, because there is only one you, and no one can do things exactly the way you do. Never worry about the competition. When you’re creative, you can, in fact, cheer others on with the full knowledge that their success will undoubtedly be your own.”

“Every relationship I have in my life, from family and friends to business partners, must be a voluntary relationship. My wife can leave at any time. Family members can call me or not. Business partners can decide to move on, and it’s all okay. Bu the same is true on my end. If I say I’m ready to move on and someone doesn’t accept that, now we have a problem.”

“You won’t take a bullet for pleasure or power, but you will for meaning.”

“One wrong person in your circle can destroy your whole future.”